
Rapid Support Forces - قوات الدعم السريع


الحساب الرسمي لقناة قوات الدعم السريع - Official account of the Rapid Support Forces channel of the Ministry of Defense in the Republic of Sudan

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September 19, 11:47
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"حماية المدنيين" والإدارة الأهلية يتفقان على خطة مشتركة لمنع الاحتكاكات بين المزارعين والرعاة بـ "كبكابية" شمال دارفور
The Civilians Protection Unit and the Civil Administration reach an agreement on a collaborative plan to preventing conflicts between farmers and shepherds in Kabkabiya, North Darfur

September 19, 09:34
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استقبال شعبي كبير لوصول قوة حماية المدنيين إلى "فور برنقا" بولاية غرب دارفور
A large mass of people warmly welcome the arrival of the Civilians Protection Unit in For Baranga, West Darfur

September 18, 14:00
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تشكيل قوة لحماية المدنيين بـ "فور برنقا" وتأمين المساعدات الإنسانية بولاية غرب دارفور
The RSF establishes a Unit to protect civilians in For Baranga, and secures the humanitarian aid in West Darfur

September 18, 12:27
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الأشاوس من الفاشر: سنواصل في طريق الشهيد قرن شطة حتى تحرير البلاد من الكيزان
The courageous RSF soldiers from El-Fasher declare: "We will continue in the footsteps of Martyr Garin Shata until the country is liberated from the remnants of the former regime"

September 18, 11:15
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قوات الدعم السريع تعلن استعدادها لتأمين وحماية وصول المساعدات الإنسانية إلى مناطق سيطرتها بأم درمان
The RSF announces its readiness to secure and safeguard humanitarian access within its areas of control in Omdurman

September 18, 10:20
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قوة حماية المدنيين بقوات الدعم السريع تقف على سير الموسم الزراعي بـ(الدندر)
The RSF Protection of Civilians Unit stands on the process of the agricultural season in Dinder

September 17, 16:44
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مؤتمر صحفي لقوة حماية المدنيين بقوات الدعم السريع حول جهود القوة خلال الفترة الماضية
Press conference of the RSF Protection of Civilians Unit on the unit's efforts over the past period

September 17, 14:12
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طيران مليشيا البرهان يدمر مبنى وزارة الرعاية الاجتماعية والمنازل القريبة بنيالا جنوب دارفور
The SAF indiscriminate airstrike destroys Ministry of Social Welfare building and surrounding homes in Nyala, South Darfur

September 17, 12:06
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The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) remains resolute in its commitment to delivering critical humanitarian aid to the millions of Sudanese citizens suffering from the devastating famine. This catastrophe has been exacerbated by a brutal conflict instigated by the corrupt and authoritarian former regime, which has manipulated the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and its allied mercenary factions, particularly those under the command of Mini Arko Minawi. These treacherous forces continue to plunder Sudan's resources and oppress its people with impunity.
Recently, Minawi – an unscrupulous mercenary leader – has resorted to spreading blatant lies and false accusations about the looting of humanitarian aid and convoys. These fabrications are nothing more than a desperate attempt to cover up the humiliating defeats that his mercenaries have suffered on the battlefield. In alliance with the jihadist Islamic Movement and its heartless minions from the former regime, Minawi and his cohorts are waging a war of terror with one goal – to restore their oppressive, tyrannical rule over the people of our country.
The undeniable truth is this – Minawi is the chief architect behind the theft of famine relief funds, diverting desperately needed aid to supply his mercenary forces. Instead of reaching those in dire need, large quantities of humanitarian assistance remain hoarded in his warehouses. Even more egregious, his mercenaries have been seen wearing bulletproof vests emblazoned with UN insignia – an insult to the very principles of humanitarian aid and international law.
Minawi and those like him have no legitimacy, no right, and no moral authority to represent the people of Darfur. His hands are stained with their blood and their suffering, having aligned himself with the Islamic Movement that unleashed this disastrous conflict through its puppets within the SAF. Despite his feeble attempts to slander the RSF, Minawi cannot escape the consequences of his actions. His baseless accusations, desperate pleas for external support, and continued treachery will not shield him from the justice that awaits.
While Minawi and his mercenaries sow chaos and launch vicious attacks on peaceful cities and towns, innocent women, children, and civilians bear the brunt of their barbaric actions.
The RSF remains steadfast in its mission to protect and serve the people of Sudan. In close coordination with humanitarian organizations, we will continue to ensure the safe and timely delivery of aid to those who need it most – undeterred by the malicious efforts of those who seek to prolong our nation’s misery.
Our resolve is unshakable. The RSF will continue to stand as a bulwark against those who wish to exploit and destroy our country. The crimes of mercenaries like Minawi will not go unanswered, and justice will prevail.
Office of the Official Spokesperson
Rapid Support Forces

September 17, 11:18
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شرفاء قوات الشرطة المنضمين لقوات الدعم السريع يفتتحون قسم شرطة "الدندر" ويناشدون المواطنين بالعودة إلى منازلهم
The honorable police force who have joined the RSF reopen "Dinder" police station and call upon local citizens to return to their homes