
قناة الشيخ د. عبد الله الجديع


قناة غير رسمية تعنى بنشر ما يتعلق بدروس فضيلة الشيخ وكتاباته.

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September 13, 17:12

This course will probably change your views on many things.

September 13, 17:12
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September 13, 17:12

Here are some time stamped notes taken by an attendee, he's given the green light to share here:
Lecture 1
1 - Intro
9 – Mindset of permissibility “Eat in abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree”.
11 – Do we need to know the reason or wisdom behind a prohibition?
16 – Prohibitions are limited, and they all have exemptions.
22- The default in all consumables is permissibility.
25 - Forbidden is what Allah and His messenger forbade.
29- Not everything that's forbidden is necessarily impure.
33- Impurity of a pig.
36 – Impurity of a dog
38 – All remains on origin of physical purity unless clear text says otherwise.
40 - Do not follow people-of-the-book in their strictness. It's not Quranic approach.
52 – Ideologically refraining from certain foods/drinks.
Lecture 2
3 – Does animal cruelty affect permissibility of consumption?
8 – Can you personally dislike or avoid meat or other foods?
20 - Statements of scholars showing default on consumables is permissibility.
21 – ‘Alcohol’ and Khamr
25 - Companions that used to drink prior to prohibition.
32 – "Everything that's harms outweighs it's good is forbidden" is this correct?
40 - Allah forbade in stages. How do we deal with converts today?
45 - Khamr is not worse than zina.
47 – Hierarchy of rulings: Monotheism, societal rulings, and personal affairs.
Lecture 3
2 – ‘Alcohol’ is widespread as it's lawful in most country constitutions
5 - "No one drinks alcohol whilst being a believer”.
11 - Accountability whilst drunk. If divorces, is it valid?
16 – Discussion on khamr. "…every intoxicant is khamr"
20 - "Whatever intoxicates in large amounts, is also forbidden in small amounts”.
31 – Ruling on Nabidh.
36 – What is khamr and is it specific to grapes?
Lecture 4
1 - Rulings on transforming khamr.
5 - Turning ‘khamr’ into vinegar.
11 - Principles of transformation (Istihalah)
16 - Can intoxicant be transformed by fire/sun.
19 – ‘Alcohol’ in cakes
21 – Cooking ‘alcohol’
22 - Using ‘alcohol’ as medicine. Hadith: "…It is not cure..."
27 - Principle: any substances that makes the body fatigued/numb is disliked.
35 - Shaykh visiting Yemen and ruling on consuming khat
38 – Drugs vs Khamr
41 - Ibn Taymiyyah forbidding hashish.
45 - Discussion on smoking.
Lecture 5
1- The default ruling on what the earth produces is permissibility
6 - The food/drink stays on default of permissibility even if used sinfully (grapes)
12 - Discussion on meaning of An’am and relevant verses/interpretations
19 – Rulings on monkeys
24 - Rulings on meat consumed whilst alive.
28 – Discussion on ‘all sea/river creatures are permissible’.
Lecture 6
1 - Discussion on sea creatures that also live on land
8 – Eating frogs
14 – Eating locust
18 - Forbidden consumables in the Qur'an 6:145
30 - Qur'an 16:115 & 2:173
31 - Qur'an 5:3
33 – Ruling on strangling prior to slaughter
Lecture 7
1 - General discussion on slaughtering
15 - Tasmiyyah (discussed later – lecture 8)
16 - The slaughterer (discussed later – lecture 8)
19 - Q&A
- ‘Alcohol’ Vs khamr (20)
- Prohibition of turning khamr into vinegar (25)
- ‘Alcohol’ in medicine (27)
- Physical purity of khamr (38)
Lecture 8
10 - How to deal with differences of opinions
20 - Slaughtering issues
22 - Tasmiyyah.
36 – Three views: Condition, mandatory, and recommended
38 – Preference is mandatory but with extra considerations/details.
39 - Is slaughter (not Udhiya/Qurbani) to eat in of itself ‘worship’?
40 – Interpretation and contemplation of multiple Qur’anic verses on this issue.
53 - Worship is intending closeness and can be applied to basic food/fruits.
Lecture 9
1 - Quraysh methods of slaughtering prior to Prophethood
10 - Verses mentioning people-of-the-book. What is default ruling on polytheists.
18 – Al-Shawkani’s view

September 13, 17:12

£25 for 12+ hours & 120 mudhakara.

September 13, 17:12

27 - Characteristics of slaughtering
33 – Rulings pertaining to stunning
43 - All the permissible animals slaughtered in the west are permissible to consume
46 – ‘Halal stamping’ is a business
48 - Eat meat in the UK. Ignore consensus results. Meat now is business and not worship.
Lecture 10
1 - ECFR (meat in the west) and does new UK consensus results affect this.
7 – Eating animals fed impurities
10 - Hunting uncontrollable animals
20 - Types of Animals
28 - Edible animals should only be killed to be eaten
31 - Forbidden animals: Pig
32 – Eating Donkey
Lecture 11
1 – Eating Mules
2 – Eating animals that rip/tear their prey (السباع)
15 – Eating hyenas
22 – Eating foxes
24 – Eating cats
25 – Eating birds (with claws)
28 – Eating land animals commanded to kill
38 – Eating animals forbidden to kill (ants, bee, hoopoe, and shrike)
41 – Eating horses
Lecture 12
1 – Eating animals that consume contaminated (Aljalaalah)
9 – Transformation (Istihalah)
16 – Eating animals described as filthy
25 - Principle: "All consumables from a permissible animal is permissible”.
29 - Principle: "All of a Muslim’s food is permissible”.
31 - "Similar to Muslims, all people-of-the-book’s food is permissible”.
32 - "All food where Allah's name is mentioned is permissible (regardless from who)"
34 – Ruling on cheese and animal rennet
41 – Eating onion/garlic and implications (mosque)
47 – ‘Alcohol’ in chocolate
Lecture 13
1 – Ruling on Gelatine
11 - Energising drinks and addiction to coffee/tea
18 – Etiquettes of eating/drinking (11 points made)
Lecture 14
1 - Etiquettes of eating/drinking (16 further points)
23 - Q&A
- Using ‘alcohol’ in medicine (23)
- Stunning (26)
- Slaughtering (27)
- Mixing ‘alcohol’ in large water (28)
- Difference between food & marriage from people of the book (30)
- Eating dogs (33)
- Purity of dogs (34)
- Crocodile (36)
- Stunning (38)
- Sitting on a table that has ‘alcohol’ (41)
- ‘Alcohol’ in perfumes (42)
- If a fly fell into a drink (44)
- ‘Alcohol’ cups/glasses (pints) (45)

September 04, 08:10

Course dates:
27-28 Sep
16-17 Nov
24-26 Dec
1-2 Feb 2025
19-20 April
24-25 May

September 04, 08:10

قناة الشيخ د. عبد الله الجديع
pinned a file

September 04, 08:09

برنامج الدورات للموسم ٢٠٢٤-٢٠٢٥

August 31, 10:40

الكتاب من تحقيق الشيخ عبد الله الجديع.

August 31, 10:39

ضمن فعاليات حملة
مؤسسة أمناء الأقصى للدعاة وخريجي الشريعة
بالذكرى 55 لحريق المسجد الأقصى المبارك واستمرار العدوان على غزة ومساجدها وأهلها.
وفي ظل معركة الطوفان التي دخلت شهرها الحادي عشر.
ندعوكم لحضور مجلس قراءة لكتاب
[الأربعون في الحثِّ على الجهاد]
للحافظ أبي القاسم علي بن هبة الله المعروف بـ
( ابن عساكر)
حيث ألف كتابه بناء على طلب من نور الدين محمود، وتوفي عام 571هـ عن 72 عاما، وصلى عليه صلاح الدين الأيوبي.
مجلس السماع مع الشيخ الدكتور وصفي عاشور أبو زيد
والإجازة في الكتاب بسنده إلى مؤلفه
وذلك يوم السبت 31 أغسطس/أوت 2024م الموافق لـ : 27 صفر 1446هـ

الساعة 18:00 بتوقيت القدس الشريف ومكة المكرمة واسطنبول والقاهرة.
16:00 بتوقيت الجزائر والمغرب
22:00 بتوقيت اندونيسيا
23:00 بتوقيت ماليزيا
عبر منصات المؤسسة الإلكترونية وقناة الشيخ على اليوتوب.
رابط بث المجلس على اليوتوب:
رابط الكتاب pdf:
رابط شهادة الإجازة لمن حضر المجلس (يبقى حضور المجلس والاستماع للفوت والتسجيل للشهادة متاحا 48 ساعة - يفتح الرابط للتسجيل بعد المجلس مباشرة، وتصل الإجازة لبريدك الإلكتروني).
قناة المؤسسة على التلغرام لمتابعة برامجنا :
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